Project Results to download
About Math3DGeoVR project
Geometric and spatial reasoning skills are crucial for making sense of the world around us.
Everything from solving a jigsaw puzzle to arranging furniture in a flat to efficiently packing
a suitcase, when going on holiday, requires these abilities. The project creates a new,
innovative dimension for learning and teaching geometry and spatial reasoning in a multinational
environment. It adds essential value to learning, practising and teaching these skills as
project participants, both students and teachers, delve into mathematical relationships between
objects, ones that include congruence and symmetry, reflection and rotation, or expansion and
contraction in a more facilitating way using VR. These versatile approaches would allow students
to reach their full potential in understanding and solving
geometry problems. The project underlines that 3D simulations have the invaluable potential for
education opportunities and final learning outcomes.
Math3DGeoVR Project Objectives
- To develop students’ geometric and spatial reasoning skills with special emphasis on
two-dimensional plane geometry
- To develop students’ awareness of Virtual Reality (VR) applications in mathematics
- To engage students in the learning process via simulation and visualization offered by VR as
an alternative to existing dynamic geometry software (DGS)
- To make geometry training more enjoyable and involving for both students and teachers via
full immersion in the subject
- To develop suitable VR activities for geometry teaching, in order to strengthen students’
spatial and geometric reasoning and better prepare them for the job market
- To enrich the mathematics curriculum in the field of three-dimensional geometry and support
mathematics teachers with innovative tools and activities ready to be used in their
Technologies used
- Virtual Reality (VR) tools
- Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS)
- Virtual Manipulatives and Multimedia Whiteboard system (VMW)
Math3DGeoVR Project Outcomes
- VR activities ready to be used in the classroom
- 12 teaching VR modules, corresponding to different geometric and spatial problems.
Project beneficiaries
Students and academics of all fields of engineering and teaching faculties.
Project number
01.12.2021 - 30.05.2024